My master project “0-99, The Ageing Game” is a board game about ageing and the course of life. The game was developed in order to find out how people of different ages reflect and verbalize their own ageing in a playful environment and whether a board game could function as a qualitative research matter. The game was played with 30 people between the ages of 13 and 91, in small groups of 3-5 players. Three oil paintings emerged from photographs taken during these game rounds, together with the play board and a 25-minute audio impression they formed my master exhibition.
The answer of the oldest player (91 years old) to the question: What is your biggest dream?
Overall it can be said that the multi-facetted issue of ageing can be observed with the measures of a board game. For the application of games in scientific settings I would propose the name “Research Gamification”.